cfx_image (can jodohost add?)


Hi, theres this custom tag i'd like to use, but of course I would need it enabled on the server, or atleast my account, if thats possible. This custom tag is free to use, and it can be downloaded and installed from the authors site at .

If you guys (jodohost) could enable this, it would be good for all your coldfusion users, and an incentive to people interested in your service.

The tag allows for anything from image file type conversion, to resizing, to dynamically rendering specified lines and shapes and whatever to an image file.

I believe you can use ASPImage and ASPJpeg from Cold Fusion. These are powerful image manipulation components. If you can't use them, we'll consider installing that Tag
Yash said:
I believe you can use ASPImage and ASPJpeg from Cold Fusion. These are powerful image manipulation components. If you can't use them, we'll consider installing that Tag
That's kinda like asking a C++ programmer to use a VB library...

In essence the CFX_Image tag is a very popular tag that is used in a number of different applications. It can be downloaded from the author's (very basic) site at:

It is a freeware DLL that has been around for a very long time.
Yash said:
I believe you can use ASPImage and ASPJpeg from Cold Fusion. These are powerful image manipulation components. If you can't use them, we'll consider installing that Tag
As a follow-up, ASPImage *can* be called by ColdFusion, I did a little bit of investigating and found the following document. This is NOT my work and I have NOT tested it. However since JodoHost doesn't restrict the CFObject tag it *should* work without much of an issue.

If I were building something from scratch to work in this environment I would definitely use some Try/Catch method to try CFX_Image first and then try ASPImage as a fallback. There is a lot more work that has to be done with ASPImage.

Thank you to Dan Z. for the following information:

ASPImage is also compatible with Cold Fusion 4.0 or later.To make it work you use the <CFObject> tag and then us a <CFSET> tags to communicate to the ASPImage COM object. 

Here's a simple CF example: 

<!--- Create AspImage Object ---> 
<cfobject type="COM" 

<!--- Setup Basic Settings ---> 
<cfset Image.FontColor  = 427140> 
<cfset Image.ThreeDColor = 195100092> 
<cfset Image.Italic = True> 
<cfset Image.Bold = True> 
<cfset Image.FontName = "Arial"> 
<cfset Image.FontSize = 32> 
<cfset Image.PadSize = 0> 
<cfset Image.JPEGQuality = RandRange(60,80)> 

<!--- Setup Image Size ---> 
<cfset Image.MaxX =370><!-- Width --> 
<cfset  Image.MaxY = 130> <!-- Height --> 

<!--- Setup text  ---> 

<cfparam name="Line1" default="Line One">          <!--- First Line ---> 
<cfparam name="Line2" default="Line two">         <!--- Second Line ---> 

<!--- Setup Path to Image ---> 
<cfset Fn ="E:\web\beta\BlankBanner.jpg">         <!--- Path to blank Banner ---> 

<!--- Add The Image---> 
<cfset Image.AddImage(Fn,0,0)>      <!--- This differs from VB /ASP code it follows the Object.Method(Args)---> 

!-- Center Twoline of text over banner --> 
 <cfset  TextXPos = Image.MaxX - (Image.TextWidth(Line1)+10)> 
 <cfset  TextXPos = TextXPos/2> 
 <cfset  Text2XPos = Image.MaxX - (Image.TextWidth(Line2)+10)> 
 <cfset  Text2XPos = Text2XPos/2> 
 <cfset  TextYPos = Image.TextHeight(Line1)/3> 
  <cfset  Text2YPos = Image.TextHeight(Line2)/3> 

<!--- Output the text---> 
<cfset Image.TextOut(Line1,TextXPos,TextYPos-25,1)> 
<cfset Image.TextOut(Line2,Text2XPos,Text2YPos+25,1)> 

<cfset Image.FileName = "E:\web\beta\banner.jpg"> 
<cfset Image.SaveImage()> 

<!--- Display The Image---> 

 <IMG id="Banner" HEIGHT="130" WIDTH="350" SRC="http://localhost/beta/banner.jpg" BORDER="0" ALT="<cfoutput> #Line1# #Line2#</cfoutput>"> 

Overcoming Caching Problems: 
I found the most reliable workaround is to use a random number range for the value of the 
Image.JPEGQuality.  This randomly changes the actual file size, thus the browser thinks it's a new image each time. 

<CFSET Image.JPEGQuality = RandRange(60,100)>
jodohost (Yash, or others),

thanks for installing this great tag.
now that it is installed, can it only be used by aldog (his account only), or are the settings so that all can use.

i would like to start using this, but not sure if I can. Let me know if I need to place a ticket for this, I will.
If I need a ticket, do you need the dll again, Yash?

UpGRAYd said:
jodohost (Yash, or others),

thanks for installing this great tag.
now that it is installed, can it only be used by aldog (his account only), or are the settings so that all can use.

i would like to start using this, but not sure if I can. Let me know if I need to place a ticket for this, I will.
If I need a ticket, do you need the dll again, Yash?

Not sure how JodoHost installed it - whether it was installed on all of the Win servers or only on the Win server that the ticket was submitted on. Any insight, Yash?

CFX DLL's are not user/account specific so if it is installed on a server all users will be able to access it.
Rajneesh said:
The cfx_image_mx Tag was installed on win6 server as per the request and so anyone on that server may use it.
Thanks for the update! So to answer the other gent's question - if the tag is needed for an account on any of the other Win servers then another ticket will need to be submitted for it.