I am using for some of my websites.
The issue is when I face any issue, and I submit a ticket or come to live chat, JodoHost technical support is not convinced that JH is the hosting company, and keep saying that the NS of the domain is wrong, and the A-Record is not pointing to JH servers.

PLEASE, you must tell all your techs about CloudFlare, the NS and A-Record for a website hosted by you will never be visual by any tool, but you will find the domain added in user account and can be accessed by direct url.

Chat reference number: 241816
Sorry for the miss understanding it happens so that when the level on guys check the DNS details for the domain and do not find the IP which is our's they normally think its not hosted with us, however if you have taken up cloud fare services the domain has to point to their DNS and even the A records points to the IP you get from cloud fare.

This is how it works. I will make sure that the guys hence forth check if the DNS belongs to cloudfare and reply appropriately. Thanks for point this out to us.
I will point out a few things, cloudflare is running on our own site, but it has times that it is the issue, also there are times that bots will slam the server via cloudflare IPs and we have NO way to block them, and logging the IPs is only possible on the 2008 R2 servers, so we are out of luck to help you ID the originating IP on the older servers to block them.
There are also many times cloudflare is slower than direct for the site accesses, sometimes not, but sometimes yes. I've even recently posted to cloudflare about being down on twitter since the site was not working or timing out, even their own site was at the time.

For tech support purposes you could give the address to show it is hosted here.