Cluster 2(GOHsphe*R*e) Hsphere upgrades master thread Q&A


US Operations
Staff member
I know many will ask, what about cluster1?

It is coming, we haven't forgotten it, it will be within a couple weeks, we just want to get one complete before having two going, not to mention cluster1 is still larger than cluster2.
are the Windows Server patches on Cluster 2 occurring at the same time as the linux servers. I've only seen updated for the linux servers. Or do the windows start today? Curious to if we think they will finish today or still by tomorrow afternoon.
We are doing the Hsphere portions now(on windows servers), but reboots will occur in the night, that is the plan now.

Maybe a few will 'require' reboot before then, but we hope not until evening tonight.

This will mean a few IIS resets and php options for now, should be very minimal, then tonight the main reboot.
Just wanted thank the jodo guys for what appears to be a pretty smooth upgrade to cluster2, I was a bit concerned about things not going so well and customers having sites down or not functioning correctly but so far so good. Big thumbs up.