ColdFusion problems... (login)


I recommend you setup Cold Fusion locally on your server and connect dreamweaver to it. That's what most developers do because we do not give out the RDS password
PiRANhA said:
and I want to develop an Access-based solution using Dreamweaver and ColdFusion. But when Dreamweaver sends me to the login site for ColdFusion Administration ( it says that my pwd is wrong...but the thing is that I dunno what the pwd is!
As Yash has said you will want to install a developer's edition of ColdFusion server on your local machine. This can be downloaded for free from Macromedia.

What Dreamweaver is trying to do is gain access to the datasources on the server. You can't do this with shared hosting services as offered by JodoHost. What you basically have to do is run a local copy of CF Server for developing and then push the files and database live to JodoHost's servers.