Common Use for Reseller: Friends?


I'm currently a value Windows account user, but I have friends and family that tend to say "Boy, I'd like to have a site." or "I'm thinking of starting a company that...".

It seems like the reseller plan would be great for this. Then I could just set up a plan for each of them, maybe charge them a nominal fee (or not). Is this a common use for this plan? Any reason I wouldn't want to do this (apart from having to constantly support my family's questions)?

Also, the details for the reseller plan say unlimited MSSQL and MySQL databases, are these under my control (I can create as many as I want), or is there a limit of x number of databases per sub-account?

You cna create asmany DBs as you want, but size becomes a factor, the minimum usable MSSQL is about 25MB in reality, MySQL, much smaller, 1MB is fine for small DBs.

Many many use them for family and close friends and dont even have hosting for sell to the internet, it is a perfectly good use.
i use the reseller plan partly for this. I have a couple of clients I've developed sites for that I host too, but otherwise it's mostly for my own sites and friends and family. I more that cover my costs of the hosting with these people.
Thanks for the replies. I think I'll eventually end up signing up for the reseller plan. It seems like a perfect solution for what I need (well...what my friends need anyay, lol). Plus like Johnyah said, I can probably cover the added cost of the plan just by a couple low fees.

I wish I'd thought of this first, I just finished the migration of my site, now I guess I'll have to do it again to a sub-plan on the reseller account. :D

No need for the troubles!

Just sign up for a reseller plan, and then send a ticket and ask us to move your shared to your reseller plan, you don't have to re migrate at all! We are here to help, just let us know.
Hi First Division,

Just my $.02 jingling but I think you will find quite a few people are doing what you are considering. I consider myself a web designer first..rather than a host..however I wanted to give my web design clients "1 stop shopping" So eventually I became an H-Sphere reseller. It's a good way to either save..or make some money..while at the same time I only need to go to one place with any issues. It really does work out well! :]