Customizing Suspension Page


Is there a way to change the Web page shown when an account has been suspended? I just want it to be a bit more "civil" instead of saying "this account has been suspended" (maybe something that will say "this Web site is currently unavailable").
That wouldn't be possible for individual resellers.

But if you propose a new page, we can change it based on the comments received by other resellers..
i would recommend leaving the 'suspended' word, because (from my experience) that is what pushes the client to pay (especially when THEIR customer's see it....)

'unavailable' might land up just hurting YOU in the end, because it can be understood as a developer's error etc..
i'd agree with snooper

Suspended = bad reputation for the client so they'll pay.

also its clear to anyone what the page is.

as again snooper sai . it could be mistaken for a 500 page.. server error.

maybe something like this account has been suspended due to ...