Different sessions in ASP depending on the use of the 'www'.

Stephen said:
To be honest, I have never tried aliasing a sub domain, I don't really see how it would work properly, but it might be worth a shot.

My personal ASP rule nr 1:
Don't use ASP sessions

My personal PHP rule nr 1:
Don't use PHP sessions

SubSpace said:
My personal ASP rule nr 1:
Don't use ASP sessions

My personal PHP rule nr 1:
Don't use PHP sessions


If you don't use sessions, what do you use? Unique ID's passed in the Querystring in combination with unique user data stored in a DB?
WebDeveloper said:
If you don't use sessions, what do you use? Unique ID's passed in the Querystring in combination with unique user data stored in a DB?

Subspace recommeds good old cookies. Sounds like a plan to me. Unfortunately, my websites are already built. To change them is not viable.
ASP.net writes a cookie to the client on every request to the server called ASP.net_SessionID. The cookie is stored in the http headers of the request and you can see this if you download any type of tool like IE Watch which will allow you to analyze the http headers of any web page. You will see the asp.net session cookie getting passed around.

If you request any URL using a non relative path your session id will change. This is common and correct practice in ASP.net and is not strange behavior. I do not understand the exact reasoning behind this but I would guestimate it is something to do with you making a new full http: request on the server.

Anyone...once the cookie is written to the client..if you are using session at all...asp.net will never change this cookie. The session id is held in the cookie throughout the entire browser session. If the session times out then a new cookie will be written.
