E-mail problems


I keep having mail problems time and time again. I can't see this solved anytime soon but I want to state this.

Each time I let you know there is a problem you send a random e-mail to MY customer's accounts and tell me everything is fine. I know everything is NOT fine and I already tested the e-mail accounts "by creating a new one".

Please instruct your support team to STOP sending random e-mails to my customers!!!!!! I don't want them to see random e-mails each time something is not working, it's NOT professional!

This has happened several times already and I'm sick of it.

Thank you very much.

It would be best to make a test account in such cases that it is needed to be tested at a domain level.
Tanmaya has replied here but I'd like to tell you he has taken steps already to ensure this does not happen further, the feedback is welcomed and the change has been put into place.

Have a great day!
Thank you Stephen. I hope this doesn't happen again. You shouldn't communicate with our customers in any way unless the anonymous support is purchased.

Agree, and was stated by Tanmaya in email, and also was stated even with a test mailbox to use gmail/hotmail test accounts that we have with very generic names. Again thanks for input and corrective action has been taken.