Email from ASP or ASP.Net

Again, after a few months of working great.... I now seem to be having
issues sending email from my websites again.
Last time, the fix was to change the mail server to "localhost".
What is the fix this time?
FYI, I am on Win6 using ASPMail and localhost and it's working for me. Maybe you are on a different server or something.
devorem said:
FYI, I am on Win6 using ASPMail and localhost and it's working for me. Maybe you are on a different server or something.
Yes, I believe I am on Win5.

Funny thing... I am tracking this forum, and I did not receive an email that you had answered my post. :)
So... seems to me there is a problem even with the jodohost forums.

bstinson said:
Yes, I believe I am on Win5.

Funny thing... I am tracking this forum, and I did not receive an email that you had answered my post. :)
So... seems to me there is a problem even with the jodohost forums.


THere doesn't appear to be a problem with win5 using localhost. I am continuing to receive e-mail from my site, as a usually do.

However, I have not received e-mail from the forum for months now. I regard this as normal now, even if I know it's broken. I don't expect it to be fixed. I challenge JH to change my expectations.
That's weird. I (almost) always get the JodoHost Support Forum notifications in my e-mail. I even got this one. Hey, the forum time is even pretty close to being correct. Life is good.

(I don't mean to downplay your problems. I hope JodoHost is able to solve them for you soon.)
For a while, I was using CDONTS. When I did it that way, my messages would often be greatly delayed (like a few hours) and then they would all come in all of a sudden. That's why I switched my code to use ASPMail.

Are you using CDONTS by any chance?
Yash said:
forum notifications are working fine for me, ensure its turned on in your forum control panel

Yah, I checked that, that was my first instinct. It's an e-mail address from a domain that I used to host here, but now host somewhere else. What I suspect is that the domain name still exists in your name servers so the mail never leaves JH, whereas it should have been sent to where the domain is hosted now -- another web host. I've seent his sort of thing many times where web hosts don't clean up their DNS servers when domains have been deleted.