Email issues. Outlook isn't taking the mail


One of my clients is having issues with her email. For 1, the SQl mail doesn't work. I told her to check her mail through Horde for the time being. She reset her password and then reflected that change in her Outlook Express mail client, except outlook doesn't seem to be downloading any new mail.

Not quite sure what would be causing this. I am sure the Win 5 issue is partly at the heart of it.

Thank you,
jag5311 said:
Not quite sure what would be causing this. I am sure the Win 5 issue is partly at the heart of it.

I'm pretty sure it isn't, because these are two completely separate systems.

When she logs into Horde IMP, there is e-mail in the mailbox? Is Outlook giving any errors, or just saying there is no new mail?
actually, I just spoke with her and its saying her username and/or password is not correct. Even though her username and password match what I have set in CPanel, it keeps popping it up. Have the servers changed?