Email problem, perhaps with Eudora??


Exalted Code Master!
I've got a client hosted here complaining that she's not getting some emails. I'm fairly sure the problem is with her Eudora configuration. But, perhaps I'm wrong about that.

She has her own inbox and gets all mail sent to it.

There's an [email protected] address which forwards to her address, plus to the inboxes of two of her co-workers. They get the messages, she does not.

I have logged into web mail, sent a message to the info address via my mail client, and watched the message come into her inbox. So, I know it's making it that far.

But, when she downloads the messages, she doesn't get the one I sent. To me, that says that her mail client must be doing something with it--deleting it as spam, putting it into a folder, something.

She claims to have no special folders set up in Eudora. She says she's looked in her Trash folder and the messages aren't there. I'm at a loss. I don't use Eudora and don't have a clue about how to set it up. I'm also a good day's drive away from her so I can't watch over her shoulder as she works or check her configuration in person.

Is there perhaps something I'm missing or something else I should tell her to check?

sure seems to be client side issue, if others are getting and you can see it in the inbox as well!
Thanks Stephen.

Any Eudora users that can tell me where I should have her look for the "missing" messages?
