email quota

I have a value windows account.
When I setup a new email account, the default size is 100meg.
Is there a way to change that default setting to something else or do you just have to change it at the same time you are setting up the new email account?

I logged in and looked under mail info but could find anything.

I have one site with 90 email accounts that were all created with 100meg defaul quota. Is there a way go and and change the quota on all accounts at the same time or do I need go and change each one individually?

You have a shared account and this is not possible to change default mail box quota. you need to do it for individual mail box.
It's very simple. You can signup for a reseller account and send a ticket for moving your shared account under your new reseller account.It doesn't need you to setup domains/mails again and there will not be any downtime for your web/mails in this move.