Email server was unavailable

The email server was unavailable for a little while today for sending messages. It came back up in a short enough time (may not have even been server related, could have been an internet connection issue). However, since it has come back online, I have received the same 2 emails 4 times apiece. Anyone else experiencing this, or should I check something else? Mind you it's no emergency. I'd rather receive an email 4 times than never receive it at all!

Not experienced this myself and I receive quite a bit of email. Anyway, I'm checking this out
I am currently experiencing problems with the mail server (UNIX account). Messages are being received but not sent. Has anyone else experienced this? Cheers
seventure, please submit a ticket regarding this and it'll be looked into. It may have nothing to do with our mail server. I send and receive quite a few emails every day without any problems.
Was only an issue for 20 minutes. Was related to sending mail and might not have been a Jodohost issue at all,