email virus filter


i just got this email from someone i have no idea who is and it was sent to, and thats not an address on my domain:

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it also had an attachement called message.cmd..

im very sure this is the mydoom virus..

so the question: do you have a virus filter on the email servers?
i also got an email a couple of days ago that was sent to andrew, but i dont have that mail box on my domain either.. that email had an attachement called
Jodo does not have a virus filter. and if they do, it doesnt work. Make sure you get am anti-virus software like norton anti-virus that checks your email (incoming and outgoing) Yes, that email you received IS the myDoom@ virus.

Also, If you think you have been infected, visit to get rid of it.
;( no virus filter??

i hate antivirus software.. it slows down the computer from my 2.4 GHz to lousy 150MHz or something..

but i have only got two of them so its no danger yet.. and i havnt been infected..
I've not used one myself, but another ISP that I use has used AMaViS ( for a while and I have never received an infected attachment.

I think they recently added ClamAV (

I'm not sure why they are running two AV programs, but my email headers indicate that both scans have been done.