feedback on 2checkout


I have a customer who is setting up shop in the U.S and is looking at various payment solutions particularly 2checkout. I was hoping to get some recomendations in regard to how user friendly the administration area for 2checkout is, my customer is very untechnical. Any general opinions on their customer support etc would be greatly appreciated.
I use them to process payments through Freshbooks but don't use their shopping cart or anything so can't comment too much on the adminstration side of things. Over the years in using their service, I've had very little issues - payments are issued promptly and have not had to deal with support. The only time there was an issue is when they did a random audit and found my terms or reference on my site not-up-to-snuff and I had to adjust.

NB: I'm in Canada and my credit card processing options were/are limited so that's why I went with 2Checkout.
Overall we have very favorable experiences, quite proactive on fraud checking as well, even after passing they will come back in a day or two if they notice a fraud user and let you know so you can rectify the case/account.

However we've had a few slip in here recently, maybe not entirely their fault or anything just some slick frauders out there now!
Thanks for your replies much appreciated, I've signed up my customer for a test account and from what I could see admin looks pretty straight forward and well documented. He won't be taking advantage of the shopping cart either.
