Just a suggestion...
I think it would be a nice touch for the forum adverts (ie, the advertising of JodoHosts plans on the left hand side) to be hidden if the forum member is a Jodo customer.
This could be done by using the Hosting Username field in the forum profiles - if they have the Hosting Username filled in in their profile, then the adverts don't show.
I find them quite annoying, since I'm a Jodo customer.
I think it would be a nice touch for the forum adverts (ie, the advertising of JodoHosts plans on the left hand side) to be hidden if the forum member is a Jodo customer.
This could be done by using the Hosting Username field in the forum profiles - if they have the Hosting Username filled in in their profile, then the adverts don't show.
I find them quite annoying, since I'm a Jodo customer.