ftp alias


Being new to this I followed the guide to set up my reseller account and created an admin account then a service account (windows).

I then tried to ftp using ftp.mydomain.com and of course it wouldn't. When I looked at the ftp settings I noticed that win2.mydomain.com was used and hence my questions....

Is this correct for a windows account??

Is it different for a unix account??

Is there an alias you can set up so it can use ftp.mydomain.com??



This is all correct. Your on windows, so win2 is the name of ther server (Win short for windows :] )lol. If on unix, then it would be web.

So, to ftp, you connect to the relevant server.yourdomain.com.
So your correct. win2.

I think to change the alias for ftp, you would have to change the alias server name.

Thanks Hope this helps