H-Sphere XML API from ASP.NET

I've looked for this all weekend. Read all I could find on the forum and other places.

Now, I'm stuck on Jodo support. They've added my IP to have access to the XML API. Should this work from a browser then? http://cp.MyDomain.com/psoft/servlet/AxisServlet

Because I'm getting this error:
description Access to the specified resource () has been forbidden.

I've also uploaded the PHP sign up sample from PSOFT documentation and it gives me this error:
Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: soapclient in D:\hshome\MyUser\MyDomain.com\test.php on line 72

Also, does anybody have the WSDL files to be able to create a proxy class on ASP.NET?

Any help will be very welcome.

Thank you very much!
That means you need to submit a ticket with the server you are on so we can allow the IP, hpshere doesn't allow access to just any IP.
What do you mean? I've uploaded that to the my service domain. The domain I use for the control panel. I've been told that the IP for that domain was added already.
Stephen I have a ticket open about this for 2 days already: DKM-45730-610.
Could you check it out? They put it on hold, they tell me it's already added, that they are working on it, etc.

This is the kind of lack of support and communication I've been *****ing about lately. It's very disappointing.

Thank you very much!