Horde Remember Login and Password



When we go to the login site:

Windows (98SE, 2000, XP - 12 computers in all) used to ask if we wanted it to remember the login INFO.

It was available when we first started using Horde Mail. But I was going to show a fellow worker how to do it and when I erased my saved login (point at it and press delete key) I could NOT get it to re-save it.

(yes ALL is Set correctly in IE Explorer AUTOCOMPLETE - it wouldn't be set wrong on ALL 12 anyway)

Now it doesn't ask to save it and we have to Enter our email address and password Every time we get mail.

Is Horde somehow BLOCKING IE from asking to save it?

We would like this ENABLED at least to the point of remembering my login name!

Also, is there a way to login using a auto login syntax. like:

Any help would be appreciated!
Thanks in Advance for your Time.
