How easy is Win VPS to use?

I am thinking of switching over from your windows shared hosting plan to your Windows VPS plan.

How easy is Windows VPS to use? I would like something that combines the H-Sphere ease of use with the extra benefits of VPS. I don't really like the idea of configuring a lot of IIS or DNS stuff at root level.

For using Windows VPS you should have a basic understanding of IIS, however if you are going to opt for Windows VPS with Plesk then things become that more easy. It puts you in control of the servers in every regard, full trust, etc.

Plesk is a full fledge Hosting Control Panel, similar to Hsphere but look and feel does change. You will be provided the basic information and help documents to work around with plesk. More information on Plesk can be obtained at

VPS is not a fully managed services, but you can go for that at a price more info on that can be found at

let us know if you have further questions.