Hsphere Control Panel Upgrades-00:30 AM CDT on Saturday, July 27th, 2013.


We will be performing a control panel upgrade starting 00:30 AM CDT on Saturday, July 27th, 2013. Here the control panel will be upgraded from H-Sphere 3.6.1 to H-Sphere 3.6.2

New features that will be made available are:

1.) Security fixes for CP.
2.) PHP 5.4 ( Only with Apache2)
3.) PHP 5.3 Security fixes.

Upgrade process -

Hsphere upgrade of entire cluster will be done in phases.
Expected time to completion - 48 hours.

The first phase being the control panel server itself, this will involve the control panel services being completely down for about 3-4 hours.

Control panel will again be intermittently down at various times during the rest of upgrade process.

- Linux web, MySQL and mail services will be updated next and for the same We shall post it on the forums about the servers that are going to be upgrade.

The next phase will be for server upgrades of windows servers and MS-SQL Servers.

- In this phase we've plan for windows updates on the windows(Web) and MS-SQL Servers and then we'll do the hsphere upgrade on them. We will strive to keep all outages to as minimal as possible, we will provide updates as frequently as possible on our support forums for each server as we upgrade.

All the overview updates for this process will be made available on this support forum thread:


You can find the details for reboots and maintenance on the below support forum threads:

For Linux Servers - http://support.jodohost.com/threads/cluster1-hsphere-upgrades-linux-servers-update-status.25954/

For Windows Servers - http://support.jodohost.com/threads...ver-updates-and-hsphere-upgrade-detail.25955/

Our goal in this upgrade is to bring as many new features as possible, but in a manner with the least impact on your site and business ventures.