Initial reseller website set-up

I did everything to the t and now i am trying to assign this newly created plan to be my reseller website.

I get and error when i try to create the sapce and it say tech has been emailed. Thing is i am tech... is my domain. an i have the DNS updated succesfully (well for my zone) at my registrat.

I can see a set-up page at put i want my ftp and www to work...

I is ok to assume i am a complete idiot...

The reseller account configuration you have done, seems to be working perfectly.

for using ftp you can use host name as : or the ip address of your website(you can get it under weboptions for this domain) along with your ftp user name and password.

For any further queries you can go through the Documentation at : Reseller :
user :

You can open a trouble ticket or talk to us on our support number any time.
yes, sorry i figured out i was mucking up the checkboxes and getting an error at the end. Fixed and actually read the directions instead of glancing them.
