
We normally do not provide invoices. All invoices are available online. Also we will provide till date invoice to you by early next week.
Atul said:
We normally do not provide invoices. All invoices are available online.

I think Jodo should sent the Invoice at every month for monthly payment user.

Like me, I'm not always login to control panel and check the invoice..actually I'm also facing the same problem with all my customer because H-Sphere didn't sent any invoice to them and I have manually sent an email to all my customer request the payment.

How to make H-Sphere auto sent invoice to all my customer?

Dear Atul,

I have no problem in using the online bill but at this moment its format is very unintelligible since it's an HTML table without any kind of separations.

Please modify the template so that the invoice can be more easily understandable (just put an attribute of border=1 to the HTML table) and, preferably, including your logo. With that changes the invoice will be ok for me. The name of the template is sumbill/invoice.html

I read that h-sphere is/was using freemarker classic:

Please confirm that.

On the other hand, if you do not have the necessary HTML skills, I can modify the template if you send it to me

Finally, I sent you an invoice model in PDF that is better suited to my needs. Maybe you can return me signed
