Javascript not served by IIS 6.0 Server


Hi Everyone,
I have a strange problem on my test machine javascript include files are not served by my test server.
Snippet from my *.aspx page

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="../include/script.js"></script>

Configuration on the server has the entry with extension.js as mime type "application/x-javascript"

so I tried to change typer to ..type="application/x-javascript"
"Enable parent paths" is checked.

It does does work on Jodohost without any problems.

Does any one know what the reason for not serving js could be?

Thank you
check if .js is setup as an extension in IIS, I have seen sometimes that it is and such it will serve up 0 byte files to browsers, it doesn't need to be mapped to ASP.NET unless you plan on using it directly in ASP.NET
Hi Stephen,
thank you a lot! That was exactly the case.

I was wondering why the server did return 0 bytes when I was trying to access the .js file from browser.

Thank you!

Hi Stephen,
thank you a lot! That was exactly the case.

I was wondering why the server did return 0 bytes when I was trying to access the .js file from browser.

Thank you!


yeah there is some return bytes..