Looking for Video Email Marketing!

Can anyone guide me about Video email marketing? Is it possible to customized banners and links with my video emails?
I'm not sure I follow. Are you planning (or hoping) to send videos via e-mail as marketing? If so, I don't think that will be very effective considering you can't embed a video into an e-mail (unless you're using an Html e-mail but this won't work in Outlook or many other e-mail clients).

So you would have to attach it and I'm not so sure a potential customer would notice the video or want to watch it.

I think if you want to do e-mail marketing (which, to be honest, I always advise against; companies that do this get blacklisted in my inbox and go right into my spam box), I'd suggest a simple html page with very basic designs (make sure to test in outlook 2003 and 2007 (different rendering engines), thunderbird, gmail, etc).

I also believe that video email marketing will not be much effective

I'd suggest a simple html page with very basic designs (make sure to test in outlook 2003 and 2007 (different rendering engines), thunderbird, gmail, etc).

Yes, it would be better to use basic and simple HTML page which will work better.
