Mail servers appear down

There seems to be an ongoing problem with Mail servers 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6, notably with smtp. Do you have an estimated time for restoring the service?

Chief Grape
They are not down. You may be hitting the old IPs, but mail is going to new IPs. We are also forwarding the old to new but with a new means to prevent spammers that so killed last migrations of mail, you have to be SMTP authenticated to get a reply and session. (this happens if hitting old IP, if new, it is direct and will work as per normal with SMTP/IMAP/POP3)
Thanks, Stephen. I'll take it offline to a support ticket.

Chief Grape

you can check directly which you are hitting with pinging if it is a 204 or 64 IP, it is old, if it starts with 173, it is new. With all DNS you may see it before someone else, or someone else may even see it immediate.

Always a useful command is locla dns cache flush on windows:
ipconfig /flushdns

almost every other OS has such a command put in google or search engine of choice: flush dns + OS name

Mac OS X:

Actually a good overview of most OS: