Major Improvements - HSphere 2.4


JodoHost has finished upgrading all systems and servers to HSphere 2.4. HSphere 2.4 offers major improvements -

End-User Improvements

- AntiSpam Options: Configuring AntiSpam support from your control panel for individual mail boxes possible. Also specify the level of spam protection desired.
- AntiVirus Protection: Customers can turn on anti-virus protection for invidual mail boxes. Mail Server removes virus attachments before being delivered to your mail box
- Advanced Web Statistics Support: Customers can now use AwStats instead of webalizer to analyze web statistics
- Simplified billing: Billing and accounting have been simplied for customers
- Better Email Options: The mail box interface has been redesigned giving customers more options
- More Error Page Options: error page interface offers more options while setting error pages.
- WebShell4: Now allows customers to password protect user directories
- Web Stat Improvements: Collecting Statistics on the fly, logs rotating once a day and compression of old logs.
- New redesigned XP-Style interface

Reseller Improvements
- Support for more merchant gateways: MainStreetSoftWorks, NTPNow, PayMeNow, Protx, ThePayDesk, TuCows, PayNova and PaySystems
- Credit Card CVV check
- Enhanced Trouble Ticket system with ability to setup multiple queues
- Promo Codes: Allow you to run promotions on various packages and distribute promo codes which customers can use while signing up
- Ability to edit the emails sent out to customers

For resellers to be able to offer AntiSpam, AntiVirus and AwStats support to their customers, they must enable it on their plans. Also, end-users for resellers currently are not seeing the new Xpressia interface. For end-users to see it, you must change the design style from "Look and Feel". Please change it to Xpressia Lite and NOT Xpressia. Click the configure option and ensure that you have turned on "Allow Customers to choose this design" and "New customers use this design by default". You can also change your Admin CP to the new style from Admin User > Look & Feel

JodoHost end-users that do not see the new design can change to Xpressia Lite by clicking on "Look and Feel" from their control panel

Please do not use the Xpressia design as it has rendering issues in IE. Xpressia Lite does not have these issues.

If customers are having issues with AwStats, please add ".pl" as a CGI extension for the domain where AwStats is running, from Web options. FTP username and password are required to login to AwStats