Microsoft Outlook/GMail Problem



I just thought I would ask if anyone can tell me why I cannot send emails from Outlook but can receive them.

I have the Gmail pop3 set up and when I click "Test Account Settings" in Outlook, everything is successful with the exception of sending a test email. It tells me: "Unable to send test message. Please verify email field."

Everything is set up EXACTLY the same way on another network computer. Please let me know if you can help.

"Exactly" is a pretty strong statement. Google has some pretty tight security, and requires odd port numbers as I am sure you know. Personally, I would get the google install directions, and completely redo the Outlook account in question, following the directions. I use google mail servers for a couple of my accounts (I am a reseller) and everything works fine when I, or the client, follow the directions precisely.
Just my $.02