Minimal resources for a VPS plan.


APAC Operations
Staff member
Many resellers have been facing problems with new VPS account.
The problem is that they allocate less resources than required.

Here is the small list of required resources:

Disk space - 580 MB ( For Minimal VPS install) + additional as per your needs
Processes - 20 (For Minimal VPS install) + additional as per your needs
Memory - 64 MB ( or whatever suits your needs)

Please dont expect a VPS with these minimal resources enough to run a Web or MySQL Server. Though you should be able to run things like FTP or SMTP server.
Just curious, if 580mb is really the minimum required then why do you sell a plan that has a 500mb limit? It seems as if you are selling a product which really won't work.
The plan has not been udpated for the new server, I will email Yash and see that this plan and website gets changed.
Just FYI, the plans do have correct values in actual. It is just the page not updated.
I ran into this problem today. I have a couple of other basic questions about the Linux VPS.
Questions like:
- What OS and version is installed so i know what RPM's to look for on rpmfind?
- What packages are installed by default?
- What services are installed by default?
- What packages are ready-to-run (just enable them in CRON, (X)INETD, etc)
- How about security? Are there any filters installed?
- How is the VPS different from a normal Linux machine (if different at all)?

Basic questions that should be covered in a FAQ document, i guess.

