Moving server and SSL certificate


My former host given me my ssl certificate in .pfx format for a domain I've moved to jodohost. I was just wondering how I install it, if I need to generate a temporary CSR to get a private key, or just paste it into the edit ssl page on h-sphere. (all they gave me was the certificate itself from what I can tell)

I was also curious if opening the .pfx in notepad should work - it looks a bit different than the geotrust certificates I've seen, but it's verisign, so maybe that's the difference. It's got lots of weird symbols in it when I open it with notepad.

I'm still fairly new to this process.

Thanks again!
your former host should have given you your private key and CSR. Copy that into HSphere. Then open up the .pfx file in notepad and copy the data in that to the certificate box.