

I heard mssql4 was to be deployed soon, any time-frame on that because I'd like to be the first on the new server :D
It should be up today.

We actually ran out of servers :( We are ordering a number of new servers today...
any news on it?

What servers does JodoHost run? Does the datacenter you are in have a website and do you lease or buy servers?
The server is purchased, but there has been a delay in getting the server online. I am off duty now but just waiting here for the server to come online so I can prep it and have it ready to go.
It should be up very shortly (next few hours)
Mssql4 would be a XEON SCSI server with a 73GBx2 RAID1 + 36GB SCSI HDD combination

We use supermicro servers and I really think they are the best around. All of them have hot-swap hard disks and are in a 1U form-factor. These servers are on the high-end price side. A fully loaded Dual XEON like Win5 costs us in excess of $3000 a piece. Your average hosting company runs $800 servers

We both lease as well as well as buy our own servers.

We actually have budgeted about $40,000 over the next 60 days to buy all the servers we are currently leasing. That's just for hardware :) So the equipment we don't own, we will be owning soon.

The datacenter is based in Miami, Florida. You can find all the info in the Why Us section.
despite our best efforts, we will not be able to get MSSQL4 up tonight, it will be tomorrow. We had a software issue with the windows install that will require additional attention that can not be completed tonight.