I've been distracted with some non-web business lately. Since our last communication, I have continued to experience these same errors. I recently installed the free version of Cerberus Helpdesk on my service account. Cerberus Helpdesk is a PHP app. I personally experience at least one connection error every time I log into Cerberus Helpdesk. This is a top notch app, one that Jodohost uses to manage support tickets. I'm now convinced that code has nothing to do with this error.
Stephen, I know things get busy in the hosting business. It is understandable if you and your staff concentrate on the most pressing issues of the moment. So, I hope you don't mind me playing the part of the "squeaky wheel". I need this issue resolved very badly, since every connection error that my customers and their customers experience reflects on me and my company (not Jodohost).
We should start with an update. What have you already tried, in attempt to fix this problem? Since the problem still exists in full force, can we assume that everything we've tried already can be ruled out as a possible solution?
Also, there was a question that was asked earlier in this thread that hasn't been answered yet (understandable since there were so many questions floating around). It was regarding an upgrade to the mysql servers in June or July. That upgrade occurred right around the time I began experiencing mysql connection errors. The question is, what is the likelihood that this upgrade is the cause of the connection errors we are experiencing?