Need some advice...


Anyone who can chime in on this your advice would be most appreacited...

I moved a "fairly" high traffic (80-120 gig of traffic a month) site off of my shared hosting account here to a VPS system. The move went fine. Since I am keeping my shared account I left the database back end (it's a soop portal) on MSSQL4.

Got the site up and running ( but am experiencing some STRANGE things...

1. When you type in the address in the browser it takes anywhere from 2 seconds to 2 minutes to see the home page. The browser just sits there then when the page loads it's pretty fast. Also while maneuvering around the site it will be moving along just fine them all the sudden it will "freeze" and take sometimes up to 5-7 min to display the page.

2. sometimes everyone gets "frozen" and recycling the worker process seems to clear this up.

I am running the site in it's own app pool on IIS 6.0. do you think this is a worker process issue? There are never more than 25-30 folks on the site at any given time. Also I'm fine on RAM and CPU. Any configuration suggestions would be appreciated!

Oh and BTW.. switching to Linux is NOT an option. :)

Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
it does sound to me like a worker process issue, check the event logs and see if you see that it "lost ping" anywhere in the logs, when it detects a ping loss it will basically restart the pool, if it fails multiple times it will restart IIS, there are a few reasons for app pools to fail, most of the time it is in relation to an ISAPI module.
Just as a FYI it loadeed the front page it 0.963s for me on dsl in TX, pretty quick :)
it does sound to me like a worker process issue, check the event logs and see if you see that it "lost ping" anywhere in the logs, when it detects a ping loss it will basically restart the pool, if it fails multiple times it will restart IIS, there are a few reasons for app pools to fail, most of the time it is in relation to an ISAPI module.

Thanks Steven!

I checked it out and the only only thing in the event log relating to IIS was the automatic recycle after the timeout period (1740 mins). Also teh only ISAPI module I see is the Frontpage one. I'll remove the frontpage extensions and see if that does anything.

Thanks again!
if you continue to see this, send a ticket and I will take a look for you at IIS. site is still loading speedily at least the main page is loading fast.
One potential issue may be that it hits the ram limit of the VPS for a brief time, but you did seem to check and that was not the case.

I'll open a ticket... I removed the FP extensions and the fp ISAPI filter (for older FP clients) and am still getting sessions "Stacking up" and overwelming the worker process. Am having to recycle the worker process manually to get it to clear up.

thanks for your time!
Ah, I am seeing the issue now(on site refresh), it is hung again, I don't see a ticket yet but going to take a look.
I see there is a web garden enabled with 3 w3wp's going, this can cause issues in sessions, I'd recommend dropping to 1 on this, then optimizing the pool in other ways. One way is an auto recycle on ram high usage while were were not even within 100Mb of maxing your VPS ram usage, it would still be good to put a top end at about 200MB for the domain pool RAM usage, and 270 on virtual RAM.

That way at this point the pool would recycle behind the scene and should not make a big show of it like now.
I actuall opened a ticket on it...


I had kicked up the worker processes playing with it earleir but still getting hangs. I lowered it back down to one. also set the memory resets although I really don't like doing that because it hoses up the users session vars...

I guess I just don't understand what is causing this. I know this portal is used alot and there are quite a few sites out there with more traffic than mine using it.
It seems to be worker process issue for sure since it is recycle fixing, I will watch it for a bit and see if there is any trending to the errors.
BTW.. Do you think adding more RAM would help? I was considering stepping up to the next plan anyway to pickup more diskspace.

If so, how do I need to do this?
No its not a ram issue, I have verified that, at all times its having over 100Mb free.