.Net Authentication Problem

I have a site that uses built in .Net authentication. It works fine on my local server. I have uploaded to my jodo account, and it doesn't work. X(

However, with the jodo connection strings for Jodo set in my local web.config, I can use the ASP.NET Configuration from VS to work with the security tables on the Jodo Server. If I run the site on my local server, it authenticates against the Jodo Server fine.

If I run from the jodo server, the functions such as Membership.GetAllUsers() returns 0 records.

Has anyone experienced such behavior?

Thanks for your help.
It sounds like a trust problem, are you getting an error or it is telling you that it needs to be viewed from the local machine? submit a ticket if so and we can give you the full error.
It just tells me Your login attempt was not successful. Please try again.

In the loggingin event handler I did a call to GetAllUsers() and it returned none. It did not give an error.

I can't do anything about the trust level. I have added all of the aspnet roles to my user.

There are a couple of db roles that are not applied. Don't know if that is necessary or not.

Thanks for your help.
