New Server: MSSQL10 - MSSQL 2005! (Cluster1)


US Operations
Staff member
We have added a new MSSQL Server for Windows - MSSQL10

Operating System: Windows 2003 Standard Edition

Hardware configuration:
Dual core AMD 2.3Ghz
MSSQL 2005 SP2

Cluster - Cluster1 (cp.m****

Resellers are requested to add MSSQL10 as a Server Alias by:
1) Logging into their Reseller Admin CP
2) Visiting Server Aliases > E.Manager
3) Scrolling down to the end of screen and pressing Submit

This server will be enabled for signups at 11PM EDT Friday August 3rd
There is one small issue appearing on MSSQL10, it is "annoying" at this point but not critical to the operation and we are working to resolve it in the coming days.

When you go to create the database it will say it failed, but in fact it made the database and you can continue on using it, you can verify that it was created by going to the DB Creation Wizard and typing the same DB name again, it will say it already exists.

You can continue forward using the SQL login that was made and listed in hsphere and create the database with the note above, eventhough the database will not show at the moment on the database list, rest assured it is there and functioning. You can connect t it from your web App to verify.

We are working to resolve the issue of it thinking it failed and not showing in the listed as soon as possible.
This issue is FULLY resolved and as an added bonus your new logins will get db_owner permissions WITHOUT a ticket request now! So no more asking for dbo when you need to run an install and are on MSSQL10 server.

there have been about 12 legitimate databases put on this server, others have wild variations of the names thinking their DB was not made, we will be mailing account owners/resellers and doing a bit of cleanup on this in the coming 2 weeks times.

Enjoy SQL 2005! And until we upgrade to 3.0/3.1 on cluster1 enjoy no tickets for db_owner access to your db!
There is a small issue which we have found out just now, The database which are created on mssql10 all work just fine, but if you try to use Microsoft Enterprise Manager or Microsoft Management Studio Express to manage your database it do not appear there, however you can connect to it.

You might face this problem on existing database as well as new database that you create here.

We are working on this issue and will shortly resolve it.

Edit by Stephen: This is in fact not a problem, it is the way SQL Studio works with SQL 2005 when non user databases are set to not be viewed, however you can still use SQL Management Studio to work on the databases with queries etc, just open the query editor and put in use db_name on the first line then your query.