New servers added - Cluster 2 - Web9, MySQL3, Win11, Win12 and MSSQL4(2008!)


US Operations
Staff member
We have added a batch new servers to Cluster2.

Operating System: Windows 2008x64
Service - Windows web server

Operating System: Windows 2008x64
Service - Windows web server

Operating System: CentOS 5.5 x64
Service - Linux web server

Operating System: CentOS 5.5 x64
Service - MySQL 5.1 DB server

Cluster - Cluster2 (cp.g****

Resellers are requested to add all servers as a Server Alias by:
1) Logging into their Reseller Admin CP
2) Visiting Server Aliases > E.Manager
3) Scrolling down to the end of screen and pressing Submit

Win11 will not be enabled for sign up, only win12. Win11 will be used for those wishing to move to Windows 2008.
Frontpage Server Extensions ARE NOT supportted on Windows 2008. You must use alternative publishing methods with frontpage/sharepoint designer.

Win12 will not be on for new sign-ups until 4pm Eastern Standard Time today, if you sign up before then you will not go to Win12.
Re: New servers add - Cluster 2 - Web9, MySQL3, Win11, Win12(2008!)

Win12 isn't on just yet, working to get MSSQL4 to accompany it before taking it live, just running a little behind. once MSSQL4 is live we will also email an announcement.
Re: New servers add - Cluster 2 - Web9, MySQL3, Win11, Win12 and MSSQL4(2008!)

Operating System: Windows 2008 x64
Service - MSSQL 2008 R2 SQL Server
Re: New servers add - Cluster 2 - Web9, MySQL3, Win11, Win12 and MSSQL4(2008!)

Signup is now enabled. We will be sending an email about these tonight.

Windows 2008 Servers do not support Frontpage Extensions, and some COM Objects are not available due to 64bit and not 32bit. Web page edits will be made to reflect this as soon as possible.