New website on linux account



I want to install a new web in value linux accout I allready have, and I way to know if Jodohost is good for it

The requirements for these new website are:

Apache web server with mod_rewrite enabled.
MySQL version 4.0+
GD Library 2+ with freetype support.

PHP4 or PHP5 with the following configuration
safe_mode = off
open_basedir = (no value)
output_buffering = on
register_argc_argv = On
session.gc_maxlifetime = 15000 (Recommended or higher)
register_globals = off

Thanks for your help
I think most of those are good only one I am unsure of is the session maxlife setting.
Hi Stephen

Thanks for your answer.

Is there any way to be sure about the session.gc_maxlifetime ?

It's important to me to know this. I would appreciate your help.

Thanks in advance
New website on linux ac

I have two domain names, but one is a common misspelling of the first name. I simply want the misspelled name redirected to the correct name. I have the parallels shared account 9.95/month version. Is it possible to do this with one account or do I need to have two separate accounts for the two domains?

You can add misspelled one as domain alias of existing domain in current account. In this way misspelled domain will point to existing domain.