One-time mass email

Hi Folks,

In a day or two i will need to send a one-time mass email from an .asp forum to about 3,100 members. Is this something that needs Jodo approval? I thought I remembered there being a policy including a mass email form I need to sign off on? If so could someone tell me where that is located?

If you are sending via localhost, on the server you are on, there is no need, if you are using SMTP Authentication to send, yes you will need even for a one time or it will stop at the 100ths mail.
similar thing for a vps customer who has a newsletter program that will be sending 100 emails then pausing for 5 minutes then sending the next batch etc using smtp authentication should we decrease the emails to less than a 100 per batch or should it be fine
It will stop it at 100 per day unless it is on the ignore list, getting on the ignore is pretty easy, this is only for the shared/reseller mail servers.

However if you are using your VPS SMTP server, there is no issue, go ahead and continue forward without the signed note, just make sure it isn't spam and we don't get invaded with spam notices :)