OS Versions.

Is it correct that all windows accounts are windows server 2003 or do you have windows 2000 on the network. also what flavor of linux are you running on your network.

Also do you windows 2003 accounts support cdonts emailing component.
all new windows accounts are going to Win7 which is a Windows 2003 machine

Our current linux web box is running 7.3 (primarily because that is the only version HSphere supports). We are adding a new linux web box shortly that is running ES 3.0

CDONTS is supported
CDONTS is supported, but a migration to CDOSYS is recommended. MS has phased out CDONTS support and CDOSYS is the current standard.
I understand but here is my problem. I have about three sites to move and I have to do it without them going down. So the plan was to move them and then once they are moved slowing start recoding them to cdosys.

but thanks for the info anyway.