Payed For One Year


hans lefevre

i have a question.I have payed with paypal $142.18 CR.
I wanted to have a account for one year.
Now i see that my balance is saying
Account ID Plan Opening Balance Changes Closing Balance
592428 Silver Windows -$12.95 $142.18 CR $129.23 CR
i cannot create one year.
what can i do?i have taking for 6 monts,but i want to have it for one year.
You say that i may use it for free for 7 days.i dit that and then you make my balance -$12.95 ???
What can i do?
I have allready send a ticket with my 2 accounts !!
account 1 : rita8791
account2 : tzwembad

Silver Windows #592428-609454 (12/15/04 - Open) $64.48
Silver Windows #592428-592460 (12/7/04 - 12/15/04) $0.00
Silver Windows #592428-592433 (12/7/04 - 12/7/04) $12.95
Ok. Let me clarify

You signed up for trial for a one month term. You converted from trial to paid for a one month term. You then paid 12 months of fee which was credited to your account. You then wanted to switch the payment plan to 12 months but were not able to so you then switched to 6 months

When you paid for 12 months, you already had a debit of 1 month in your account so your balance left was only of 11 months. To switch to a 1 year plan, you need to pay for an additional month.

There is however no need to switch to a 12 month plan. If you are on a 1 month plan, your monthly fee would be debited from your balance every month, for the next 12 months