perl catalog program not uploading files


Hi all: I use an old Perl program called Shopping cart for my customers. Designed by Intralinks corp. Version 3. It has been around for years and was used widely by companies. I can no longer find a forum or suppoert for this program. Since I became a member of Jodohost, The program will no longer upload full size images to the catalog. It works fine when it uploads the thumbnail images however. I am not a perl programmer, but I believe the problem is in the upload routine which I will paste below.
My guess is that the IF ELSE function is not working properly. I do not think the code is incrementing the variable ONNUM
Maybe Jodohost uses a newer version of perl that this program does not like?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
$onnum = 1;

# do the uploading
while ($onnum != 3) {
if($onnum == 1) {$photon=$thumbnail;} else {$photon=$photoname;}
my $req = new CGI;
my $file = $req->param("FILE$onnum");
if ($file ne "") {
my $fileName = $file;
$fileName =~ s!^.*(\\|\/)!!;
$newmain = $fileName;
if ($allowall ne "yes") {
if (lc(substr($newmain,length($newmain) - 4,4)) ne $theext){
$filenotgood = "yes";
if ($filenotgood ne "yes") {
open (OUTFILE, ">$photo_folder/$photon");
binmode OUTFILE;
#print "$photo_folder/$photoname<br>";
while (my $bytesread = read($file, my $buffer, 1024)) {
print OUTFILE $buffer;
close (OUTFILE);