Permanent 301 Redirect from http:// to http://www.

Hi all ... having had a look around I cant find anything that quite suits the need so wondered if anybody here had a decent way of doing this?

I can obviously do this

:Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently"
Response.AddHeader("Location", "/your-new-url/")

But how do I check to see if they have come from www. or not?
that works fine, ISAPI addons are not installed due to a major way in which it makes logs have errors.
I recently came across a solution where static websites on windows servers can essentially have a redirect for a non www domain to their www domain thats treated as a 301 redirect by the serach engines. I'm yet to test it but thought I'd share it here, I found it on Matt Cutts blog (google man)
just google 'canonical links'

I figure its a good option for sites with no .htaccess file or the option to add additional headers server side. I'd be interested to know if anyone has tried this approach yet.