
I moved a site here that has a script to upload photos to a real estate site.
But I need to change something to correct the following error:


Persits.Upload.1 error '800a0028'

This feature has been disabled by system administrator. Use File.SaveAsVirtual instead.

/admin/PIC_Upload.asp, line 25

Its something to do with this but I don't know how to correct:

If I paste part of the code to my script could someone help me out if it is a simple fix?

Thanks! Code below:
line 25 would be: File.SaveAs Path & "\" & Answer

Set Upload = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Upload")
'On Error Resume Next
' we use memory uploads, so we must limit file size
Upload.SetMaxSize 1048576, True	' Limit files to 1MB
' Save to memory. Path parameter is omitted
txtID = Upload.Form("homeID")
txtPicture = Upload.Form("txtPicture")
txtPicNum = Upload.Form("txtPictuspamSpamm")
txtProp = Upload.Form("txtProperty")


Path = "D:\hshome\alcadmin\\admin\properties"

Upload.OverwriteFiles = True
' Save files to it. Our form has only one file item
' but this code is generic.
	For Each File in Upload.Files
	   Answer = txtPicNum & "_" & txtID & RIGHT(File.FileName, 4)
	   File.SaveAs Path & "\" & Answer
		' Database Open

You may not need to use saveasvirtual option as you are using save to memory option.
Try the code below.


'Path = "D:\hshome\alcadmin\\admin\properties"
Path = "/admin/properties"

Upload.OverwriteFiles = True
' Save files to it. Our form has only one file item
' but this code is generic.
For Each File in Upload.Files
Answer = txtPicNum & "_" & txtID & RIGHT(File.FileName, 4)
' File.SaveAs Path & "\" & Answer
File.SaveAs Path & "/" & Answer
' Database Open

Sorry for that. U'll have to use virtual. Below code is tested and works. Plz try and let me know.
U will have to create a subdirectory "upload" under the folder where u run this script.


Set Upload = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Upload")

Upload.OverwriteFiles = False
' On Error Resume Next
' we use memory uploads, so we must limit file size
Upload.SetMaxSize 100000, True

' Save to memory. Path parameter is omitted

Set File = Upload.Files("FILE1")
If Not File Is Nothing Then
' Obtain file name
Filename = file.Filename

' check if file exists in c:\upload under this name
If Upload.FileExists("upload/" & filename ) Then
Response.Write "File with this name already exists."
' otherwise save file
File.SaveAsVirtual "upload/" & File.Filename
Response.Write "File saved as " & File.Path
End If
Else ' file not selected
Response.Write "File not selected."
End If
Sorry for so many questions, but here is my original code, do I omit what you didn't include in your example or ?

Thanks for the help!!!

<!-- #include file="" -->
<%response.buffer = TRUE%>
Set Upload = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Upload")
'On Error Resume Next
' we use memory uploads, so we must limit file size
Upload.SetMaxSize 1048576, True	' Limit files to 1MB
' Save to memory. Path parameter is omitted
txtID = Upload.Form("homeID")
txtPicture = Upload.Form("txtPicture")
txtPicNum = Upload.Form("txtPictuspamSpamm")
txtProp = Upload.Form("txtProperty")


'Path = "D:\hshome\alcadmin\\admin\properties"
Path = "/admin/properties"

Upload.OverwriteFiles = True
' Save files to it. Our form has only one file item
' but this code is generic.
	For Each File in Upload.Files
	   Answer = txtPicNum & "_" & txtID & RIGHT(File.FileName, 4)
	   'File.SaveAs Path & "\" & Answer
		File.SaveAs Path & "/" & Answer
		'Database Open

	Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
	oConn.Open "Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver}; Server=mysql1.g********.com; Database=alcadmi_main; UID=admin; PWD=******; Option=3"

		sSQL = "UPDATE rent_homes " & _
  		"SET Picture" & txtPicNum &" = '" & Answer & "' WHERE homeID=" & txtID & ";"

		oConn.Execute sSQL

			If Err.Number = 0 Then
			   Session("strErrorID_result") = "Success: "
			   Session("strErrorDescription_result") = UCASE(Answer) & " was updated."

		Set oConn = Nothing

				   Response.Redirect("property_edit.asp?homeID=" & txtID)
			Session("strErrorID_result") = Err.Number
			Session("strErrorDescription_result") = Err.Description
								Set oConn = Nothing
				   Response.Redirect("property_edit.asp?homeID=" & txtID)
			End If	   
I am ok to answer the questions as far as I understand them, so plz feel free to post your Qs untill it gets resolved.:)

Ok here is the exact snippet where you need to change (* plz note the SaveAsVirtual) -

Existing -
For Each File in Upload.Files
Answer = txtPicNum & "_" & txtID & RIGHT(File.FileName, 4)
'File.SaveAs Path & "\" & Answer
File.SaveAs Path & "/" & Answer
'Database Open

Change To
For Each File in Upload.Files
Answer = txtPicNum & "_" & txtID & RIGHT(File.FileName, 4)
File.SaveAsVirtual Path & "/" & Answer
'Database Open

Rest all remains same. Hope it helps.

Ok I created the upload subdirectory.

Now I get:
Save method must not be called more than once.

/admin/PIC_Upload.asp, line 22

Line 22 is:

Just our of curiosity I tried removing that line and the script appears to work without errors but the file was not actually uploaded.

You had asked that I create a folder upload under the directory of the script but I was already using a folder properties that referenced in the path statement.

So I changed:
If Upload.FileExists("upload/" & filename ) Then
File.SaveAsVirtual "upload/" & File.Filename

If Upload.FileExists("properties/" & filename ) Then
File.SaveAsVirtual "properties/" & File.Filename

That seems to work and I can upload photos now.

But, if I go back to edit or change and existing photo the photo will not change and I see filenames like:

But maybe it had that problem before I moved to this server, not sure, I just took over the website.

Thanks for the help Yogi !!
My pleasure George

Good to know that the upload is working now.
BTW while exchanging messages I put the following line in the code -
Upload.OverwriteFiles = False
Which earlier was
Upload.OverwriteFiles = True

So whenever there is existing file with same name as file being uploaded then the new file will be created with some extension.
So you are getting it -

You may turn this feature ON/OFF by setting True or False depending on your requirement. But better to keep it False as there is always a chance that users will use very generic names for their images. like house.jpg, James.jpg etc. So one user can overwrite the other users pic.

Wish u good luck in your project.
I am into SEM and SEO. If have any requirements for your site or your client's site plz IM me.

The way it was working before is that when you up load a pic it changes the names of the pics to

Its a real estate site so when you edit a listing it adds the id number for that property and just puts 1,2,3 etc in front.

I will play with it and figure it out and will email you about some other work.
