PHP and mySQL



Php binary paths


Where can I find the following path information?

Path to sox binary not found
Description: Path to sox binary.If sox binary doesn't exist please install SoX (
Example: /usr/bin/sox

Specify ImageMagick paths:

Path to mogrify binary not found
Description: Path to mogrify binary. If mogrify binary doesn't exist please install ImageMagick
Example: /usr/local/bin/mogrify

Path to convert binary not found
Description: Path to convert binary. If convert binary doesn't exist please install ImageMagick
Example: /usr/local/bin/convert

Path to composite binary not found
Description: Path to composite binary. If composite binary doesn't exist please install ImageMagick
Example: /usr/local/bin/composite
I'm trying to install:

And theses paths are the only unknowns.

can anyone help me.....????????[/COLOR]
ImageMagick isn't installed by default, afaik. I assume the others are not as well. Open a ticket and ask if jodo will install them for you. If these packages are installed, the support folks can give you the path info you need.
