PHP Magic Quotes

I have a site that was working, but now I am having issues because PHP Magic Quotes are turned ON. What is the best way to get Magic Quotes turned off.

I have added the following code to the .htaccess file in the root directory of the website (there are several other .htaccess files in subdirectories that do not have the code):

## disable magic quotes for php request vars

php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off

Now whenever I try to save data that was entered in a text area it is getting alot of extra slashes (\) and " added to it. This is causing my Magento site to not display content correctly. As I said, when I first installed the site, everything was working correctly, then all of a sudden, it started adding the extra characters.

Is there a way to turn Magic Quotes off in my Linux Control Panel?
I too, notice some of the scripts I use have started to warn that Magic Quotes has been enabled. This is a new phenomenon. On web5. No trouble ticket placed yet - waiting for outcome here...
'Magic Quotes' is off for microweb, so its probably a different issue.
Please create a ticket.
magic quotes is off for my site, BUT for some reason, they are still being written.

I made a change in the code that wrote a function to strip the magic quotes. This function wasn't being called because get_magic_quotes_gpc() was returning false.

As soon as I called the function regardless of the result of get_magic_quotes_gpc() everything saved correctly.

This leads me to believe that there is something on the hosting server that is causing magic quotes to be used even if the local setting is turned off.

Since this is a depreciated function in php, are there plans to just turn it off on your shared servers?
I'm having this same issue on web5 with magic quotes, turned off on the server, disabled in htaccess yet characters still being escaped.