Physical path on wincf servers


Exalted Code Master!
What is the physical path on wincf?

Is it d:\home\ftp-login as shown in my reseller panel or is it something else?

I'm struggling to get a script working that requires this parameter and nothing I enter seems to work.

Ah, it is E:\ on the CF server, don't know why it shows d:\ in the control panel, but the control panel paths are rarely ever correct.

And it is e:\hshome\username\domain

(other servers with some exceptions, are d:\hshome\user\domain)
You can always get your path by putting a test script in the root of your site that has this CF snippet:

LevelHosting said:

I should have thought of that! (I guess I was stuck in PHP mode because the app I'm trying to install happens to be PHP-based.)

Thanks to both of you.
