Plesk Versions

Virtuozzo 3.5.1.something(it changes every update)

Using Plesk 7.6.1 on current installs and I am in the process of testing a new unreleased version :)

No Reloaded doesn't mean power pack.

It basically falls like this on Value you get:
30 domain license
Ability to use 1.1/2.0, asp, php, perl
Have client control panels for web, email, etc

This is by no means an exhaustive list, but then when you get Silver or higher VPS it adds:
MSSQL support, installed
CF support, cf not installed
Unlimited domain license
Ok reason for the powepack question, is I need a box it comes in for a picture, for my website. I can't fine one.

What is the real name of the powerpack software upgrade is it Plesk Plus?

Do we use Pleak Reloaded for anything?