POP3 "LAST" Command Support

Dave96 said:
Can't you set "Leave messages on server" from your Outlook settings?

I have it set to leave the messages on the server and to only get new messages. But it gets all messages every time. So every time I get messages it duplicates everything. Yahoo says it is a problem with our mail servers not supporting the "LAST" command.

I submitted a ticket but have not had a reply from JH yet.
Sorry, i had been a bit busy. LAST is an old command and isnt seamlessly supported( see this for more info - http://www.remote.org/jochen/mail/info/pop3-last.html). It has been replaced by UIDL. Psoft claims that LAST is supported in their compile, but it doesnt works as far as i know. Even qmail claims it is supported, but it doesnt works good there too. I'm not sure why Yahoo! is still sticking with this.
Thanks tanmaya. I guess I'm kind of in a bind here. Yahoo is using an anchient command that was retired 10 years ago. But on the other hand, Psoft and qmail say they support it but they really don't. Too bad qmail and psoft's software doesn't work.

The real answer is that Yahoo should not be relying on this obsolete command. I'm sure I'll get a template reply message from their customer service on this one. :(