Problem with RecordSet.ActiveConnection?


I'm trying to test some code I'm moving over from another site, and am running in to trouble I *think* w/ the ActiveConnection property.

The following code is working perfectly on my home server, and another remote server...but not here with Jodohost:
Dim MM_dbEstore_STRING
MM_dbEstore_STRING = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("\data\estore.mdb")

set rsNew = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsNew.ActiveConnection = MM_dbEstore_STRING
rsNew.Source = "SELECT * FROM qrySTRProductNew ORDER BY catName ASC"
Response.Write ("hello")
Of course I am not expecting any output (aside from 'hello'), I've removed the remainder of the code while debugging...and have it down to the rsNew.ActiveConnection line. Also, I've tested the db path (first 2 lines alone) already and it works, it's the second portion of the code that is troubling me. Any insight to what's keeping me from going?

Test urls:
Jodohost (not working):
Host here at home (working):

It looks like a problems of misconfiguration or something. Open a ticket in your control panel (or wait till support read your post). Here is a Knowledge Base article I found:

We fully support DSN connections in our system. In most cases DSN less connections work as well. But we have had customers that face erratic DSN-less connection problems with us. User has default permissions to the registry. Other users have the same so this doesn't appear to be a permission problem

You'll will need to use a connection that we support.
I believe sfhuck and WineIsGood are on the same server. There's really nothing that I nor our administrator can think of that is causing this problem. The best we can do is try recreating your account. This would happen in any case when we begin shifting customers to a new cluster.

I recall an incident about a month back where a customer using a DSN-less connection to a MS Access database had this problem where every now and then a connection error popped up. He switched to DSN and he hasn't had a problem since.
well, re-writing the code isn't exactly an option i'm entertaining. the entire site is already built as such, it's up and running well (e-commerce)...i was just looking in to possibly moving it here if it weren't too much trouble....but oh well.

thx for the replies.
I'm sorry, you are not on the same server as WineIsGood. You are actually on Win5 which has been having problems due to various reasons. We have more databases than customers on that server. Shifting Win5 customers to our new cluster is on our priority list. Will take place as soon as new cluster is up. That should solve your problem
Yash said:
I'm sorry, you are not on the same server as WineIsGood. You are actually on Win5 which has been having problems due to various reasons. We have more databases than customers on that server. Shifting Win5 customers to our new cluster is on our priority list. Will take place as soon as new cluster is up. That should solve your problem

Good to hear. Any idea on when this might take place?
sfhuck said:
Good to hear. Any idea on when this might take place?

The cluster is up. We are just waiting on PSOFT to install the software. We were hoping it would have been done by Monday but it wasn't. As soon as I get an ETA from them, I'll let you know.
Just to clarify... I'm using a DSN-less connection to SQL Server with this connection string:
"Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=mssql;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog=<myDatabase>;User ID=<myUser>;Password=<myPassword>;"