Problems with ASP and Access


I've just opened a Windows Standard account for a client. I'm trying to setup a ASP/Access based shopping cart that we purchased through

I've never worked with Access and ASP before so please excuse me if I'm asking silly questions. :(

I have not yet transfered our primary domain because I wanted to get the cart up and running before switching a live site. So right now I'm using the Jodo temp domain.

I've placed the Access database in the root folder and have been able to test a few files. I can access the home page test file here:

I can also successfully run a database path test here:

According to the I should be able to log into the cart admin here:

....but I get nothing but a 500 Internal Server error.

I'm wondering if there is something else I should be doing to setup the Access database. Is there something from the cpanel I need to turn on?

I have also posted this question on the ECtemplates forum as well.

The exact error is this:
Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0126'

Include file not found

/vsadmin/admin.asp, line 102

The include file '../artfulworks/vsadmin/db_conn_open.asp' was not found.
Thank you!!!

Everything was setup for another folder, because when I moved it within Dreamweaver it didn't update the paths. There are a number of links that are incorrect.

Thanks so much for the quick responses!